Thursday, February 14, 2013

Weekly Update February 15th

Dear Families,
It has been another busy week in our classroom.  We would like to highlight an activity in our Science Lab.  The children participated in a lab focusing on traits passed down to offspring.  They assembled imaginary creatures based on the Lab Sheet below.  We noticed that although all the creatures resembled each other, no two were exactly alike. 

In addition, we celebrated the end of our writing unit with a Poetry Slam-Open Mike. The children were inspired by Cythina Rylant and utilized many of her crafting techniques to enhance their poetry. She has been an incredible mentor and taught us so much about writing.  The children also created a watercolor painting to complement their poems.  You can view them in the background. 

Have a wonderful break. 

Example of a Science Lab data collection sheet for traits. 


  1. Madeline, I love that sculpture! You are as we already know a natural on the microphone, Looks like you had a great time.

  2. Madeline,
    I loved the sculpture. We all already know that you are a natural on the microphone!!!
    Love, Daddy

  3. Dear Team Alites,

    I really enjoyed reading your latest blog post - there is a lot of of AWESOME work going on in your classroom. I was blown away by your poems and by the incredible illustrations that you all created to go with the writing. The pictures were vivid, detailed and brought the poems to life. I spent a lot of time in the hallway today reading your poems and I am so impressed with your ability to incorporate different craft and writing techniques within your writing - it is clear you studied Cynthia Rylant's work closely - BRAVO!!

    I am so PROUD OF YOU!!

    Mr. Sinanis

    P.S. - My favorite poet is Langston Hughes!
