Thursday, October 3, 2013

5th Grade Tie Dye Day!

Dear Families,

We had a groovy time today tie dyeing t-shirts.  Can you dig it?  Check out our cool pictures! We are sending home washing instructions for your child’s far out creation.  Please make sure they wear the t-shirt on Monday to meet Gordon Korman.

Peace out!



  1. Those look like some righteous tye dye shirts :)

    Lori Penchuk

  2. Wow! Looks like you had a lot of fun! I can't wait to see all the cool creations!
    Rachel Salomon

  3. Looks like a great day in the Alites class! Stacy Lefkowitz

  4. Dear Alites,
    It is clear from all the wonderful pictures that you all had a TOTALLY GROOVY MORNING!! I am so glad I was there for part of the morning to watch the action and enjoy the music - I am so proud of you!
    Mr. Sinanis

  5. Looks like tye dying was a blast! Can't wait to see the finished product!
    The Elkowitz family
